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Fiesta Bowl Charities awards GPS teachers with grants

Fiesta Bowl Charities awards GPS teachers with grants
Written by Kailey Latham


Thank You Teachers! 2022 Draft Day - Pala Verde Fiesta Bowl Charities Wishes for Teachers

Congratulations to more than a dozen of our Gilbert Public Schools teachers who’ve been selected to receive $2,500 grants from the ‘Wishes for Teachers’ program! Palo Verde Fiesta Bowl Charities created ‘Wishes for Teachers’ in 2016 to help fund classrooms and support educators across the state of Arizona. Over the years, the program has granted $5.7 million to more than 1,600 teachers, impacting more than 700,000 Arizona students. 


Here are the 2022/23 recipients from Gilbert Public Schools:

Andria Sharp, Ashland Ranch Elementary, Librarian
Andria’s wish is to purchase iPads and STEM resources for their library.

Jessie Boyd, Augusta Ranch Elementary, Physical Education
Jessie’s wish is to purchase new equipment for the physical education class.

Laura Saggau, Augusta Ranch Elementary, Music
Laura’s wish is to provide the music room with more xylophones to allow each student to have their own instrument.

Angela Skillman, Boulder Creek Elementary, Special Education
Angela’s wish is to create a sensory room for students.

Scott Francom, Gilbert Elementary School, Math
Scott’s wish is to purchase drones and robotic equipment.

Maribel Medina, Gilbert Elementary, Instructional Coach
Maribel’s wish is to provide Spanish materials and resources to students.

Anne Kelly, Greenfield Elementary School, Music, Choir and Handbells
Anne’s wish is to purchase Wenger Tourmaster Risers for the choir program.

Tanya Dunlap, Harris Elementary, Math
Tanya’s wish is to purchase resources centered on Spatial Thinking.

Gabriella Vetro, Harris Elementary, Speech Therapy
Gabriella’s wish is for a communication board for the playground.

Diane Smith, Neely Traditional Academy, Kindergarten
Diane’s wish is to purchase supplies for the school garden.

Tessa Beltz, Pioneer Elementary, Social Studies and Science
Tessa’s wish is to provide flexible seating for students.

Justin Cantrell, Desert Ridge Junior High School, Science
Justin’s wish is to purchase a pair of low friction track sets to study physics.

Amy Laine, Highland Junior High School, English
Amy’s wish is to purchase flexible seating options for students.

Stephanie Lingenfelter, Mesquite Junior High School, Library Technician
Stephanie’s wish is to purchase new reading materials for class.

Talia Bitter, Desert Ridge High School, English and Special Education
Talia’s wish is to provide sensory-focused furniture for students.

Laura Hardy, Highland High School, Theatre Arts
Laura’s wish is to purchase new resources for the theatre program.